BEING LUCIA ANTONINI, art installation, 2009.
Presented at Centro Antiguo Instituto de Gijón, Asturias (Spain). Organized by Dos Clavos (Javier Duero and Alicia Jiménez), under the name: “Radiografías, identidad y mitomanía” 09.
During the exhibition, I left open to the visitors my Fcebook profile, so that they could act from my avatar, write comments, modify my profile and interact with my real contacts. That way, I lost control over that side of my "digital identity", while questioning about the limits between reality and fiction while building one’s self-identity in the digital environment; Me-as-a-Brand, and the bounds between public and private in social networks.
The result of the experiment was very timid, only a few people dared to participate. The most interesting thing happened in the chat: some interaction between the security people of the exhibition and my contacts. They started to interact when my social friends were starting conversations with “me”. That way, they became part of the action and changed their working duties as they interacted with my network.